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- manisan ciptaan manusia - |
ISLAM itu INDAH - ISLAM itu MANIS ... lebih manis dari madu, lebih manis dari manisan yang kita cipta walau berkati gula kita tambah -
MANISnya ISLAM kerana ALLAH yang cipta untuk alam semesta - untuk kita semua demi kasihNya pada Adam dan Hawa .... mereka pernah tersasar hingga membawa kita ke dunia namun mereka memohon ampun sepanjang hayat pada Allah Yang Esa ...
kita ini hanya manusia biasa, jika kita tersasar - kita beristighfar dan kita kembali semula ke landasan yang benar, buatlah U-TURN ....
Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost andThat you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x2
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x2
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that it's way too late
You’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame but
Don’t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x2
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x2
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one who could show me the way,
Show me the way x3
Insha Allah x2
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that it's way too late
You’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame but
Don’t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x2
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x2
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one who could show me the way,
Show me the way x3
... hanya penyerahan dan doa kepadaNya... |
Waaa bagus entry ni kak. InsyaAllah semoga Allah permudahkan. Terima kasih singgah blog saya, yg tak seberapa :)
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kembali mera zati .... ada kelapangan jenguk la lagi, takat hidangan mata boleh la akak persembahkan .... :-)