
Monday, August 15, 2011

1H1R (13) - Tak Masak

....harini Sabtu, 13 Ramadan - saya tak masak sebabnya saya sekeluarga berbuka di rumah keluarga saya - makbapak menjamu berbuka puasa .... ramai jugak yang datang - adik beradik saya, pakcik makcik, sepupu sepapat, jiran2, siap memberi ke jiran tetangga lagi - errmm... kami tak masak - potluck pun tidak - mak panggil caterer (macam2 lauk ada dari gulai kari hingga ke gulai tempoyak..!)... mak dah tak larat masak bebanyak - tapi dalam tak larat tu sempat jugak dia memasak seperiuk gulai tempoyak ikan keli ... perrggghhh...sedap gilerrr...! lauk gulai udang masak lemak dgn nenas pun ada.... masakan mak memang pengsan abissss...hahahhaha .... hmmm ...sayang lak tak ambil gambar2 pun..

anyway, saya bawa jugak buahtangan hidangan tapi bukan lauk pauk - saya buatkan sebiji kek butter yang saya olah sedikit ramuannya untuk jadikannya lebih berperisa 'kick' errr... bukan perisa tendang ya...! kasi rasa lebih uummmpphhhh ...... and everybody loved it ...!

follow me - the recipe is here ... btw, i named the cake ' BUTTER CHOC CAKE with HAZELNUT TRIFFLE'  ( originally from the recipe of MARBLE CAKE ) but b4 that got to apologize for not taking the whole cake pic ... dah potong2 - makan2 ... baru teringat tak ambil gambaR lagi... yang sempat snap adalah seperti di bawah ni ..... hihihi ....

1 cup butter/margerine
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 cup milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
3 cups APF
2 tsps baking powder
3/4 cup melted chocolate compound ( 150g dark chocolate + 50g milk chocolate)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Method :-
- preheat oven to 350 degree F.
- cream butter and sugar till combine and fluffy.
- add eggs one at a time. continue to beat.
- combine milk and vanilla essence; add alternating with the dry ingredients ( flour + baking powder) into the eggs mixture...beat well after each addition.
- grease and flour 10" bundt pan (or two large loaf pans)
- pour 2/3 of the batter into the pan

-in  the other 1/3 batter, add in the melted chocolate with hazelnut triffle with baking soda and vanilla extract - blend well and pour over batter in the pan.
- bake for one hour or until the toothpick come out clean when you insert the cake...

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