
Saturday, February 5, 2011

" Hepi Reunion Ladies "

on 03.02.2011 - after almost 24 years, we all - bunch of Mamas - reunited back at our home town IPOH. we all meet up at Jusco Kinta City ... 18 of us. it was class of de '80's. well...ada di antara kami berkawan sejak sekolah rendah lagi iaitu di sekolah Sek Ren Keb Raja Perempuan, Ipoh - famously known as RPS. Lepas sekolah rendah kami sambung pelajaran ke sekolah menengah iaitu Sek Men Raja Perempuan, Ipoh..also famously known as RPS so we all were the RPSian...:-)
..dah ramai-ramai ni berkumpul - kena pulak kebanyakan kepala gila-gila sama masa sekolah dulu - HAVOC - HAPPENING - FENING pun ada jadinya....!! but it was FUN...!! so so so glad we had this reunion - ini kira baru kumpulan kecil kalau dah 4-5 kelas berkumpul sesama ............ haru biru boleh jadi Kinta City tu dgn gelagat mak-mak budak..! hehehhehe

...we started our day with bowling game ... lagi la happening bila kebanyakannya juara - juara ... JUARA LONGKANG...!! hahahha
...then we had break for exchange gifts - makan kek yang i bawak - BLUEBERRY CHEESE CAKE ... within second, licin...! it was delicious - no doubt - bukan nak puji diri - but who doesn't like cheese cake - right?
...after that we had our lunch then proceed to KARAOKE Room showtime...ting!! i have to be frank here - i had never been to any karaoke session before in my life ... so, that day was my first time ever - gossshhhhhh... we had a blast moment!! gila-gila sungguh teman2 aku nih!!!  Most of them - menyanyi sakan especially si Shima de' Pengerusi Majlis...3 jam dia boleh tarik suara lagi... me..? well...nyanyi gak tapi miming - hahahahahaha... my voice suitable in the toilet je or in the car (alone) ;-)
Nevertheless... we really enjoyed ourself - lupa seketika kepenatan di pejabat - kepenatan di rumah dgn anak-anak ... we had our time of our life.. Just US the mak-mak budak or 'LADIES'....
the photos below - tribute to you LADIEs .. SHIMA, AJIE, MANJA, AZA(myself), LULU, ELIA, NORLI, DATIN YONG RUBY, YUS, TENGKU AISYAH, IJAN, ANIDA, MAZILA, JALENA, CIKGU FAEZAH, IJA, SALMA, NINI N IJA...:-) thank you ladies...

to be continued uploading... banyak sangat gambarnya..:-)

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