
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Produk Menu



Butter Classic Selection
  • Buttervanilla
  • Orange
  • Strawberry
  • Chocolate Moist
  • Marble
Premium Selection
  • Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
  • Ravishing Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
  • Butter Cheese Cake
  • Cherry Pound Cake
  • Blueberry Cake
  • Buttercream
  • Chocolate Ganache
  • Chocolate Sauce
  • Cream Cheese
  • Dusting Icing Sugar

Cheezy Wheezy Selection

(topped/garnished with delicious syrup and fresh fruits 0r minimum fresh cream/buttercream of your choice)
  • Marble Cheese Cake
  • Blueberry Cheese Cake
  • Strawberry Cheese Cake
  • Peach Cheese Cake
  • Oreo Cheese Cake
  • Chocolate Cheese Cake
  • Cotton Soft Japanese Cheese Cake
(topped/garnished with delicious syrup and fresh fruits 0r minimum fresh cream/buttercream of your choice)
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Peach
  • Oreo
  • Chocolate Ganache
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Cream Cheese
  • Choc Chips
  • Nuts (hazel, walnut, almond, pecan)

  • Chocolate Moist
  • Buttervanilla
  • LemOrange
  • Peanut Butter
Cupcake variety with assorted topping/frosting
  • Carrot Cake
  • Red Velvet
  • Choco Moist
  • Peanut Butter
  • Buttercream
  • Chocolate Ganache
  • Chocolate Sauce
  • Cream Cheese
  • Dessicated Coconut
  • Peanut Butter
  • Dusting Icing Sugar

Saturday, February 19, 2011

... Birthday cake and cuppies

This birthday cake - Oreo Cheese Cake with buttercream frosting was ordered by my sister's friend for her child birthday ( m not so sure is a boy or girl ...sorry, forgot to ask )

Happy Birthday Tarwin - 11yrs

Oreo Cheese Cake
These cuppies - Blueberry Cheese Cake (Baked) was for my sister's order - for sale to her school teachers....

Blueberry Cheese Cuppies

~with buttercream & bberry toppings

...getting busier and busier with cake's orders

...for the past couple of weeks, whilst weekend approaching, i found myself busy in the kitchen struggling between kids, house chores and cakes... is this how it's like for home baker?? ha ha .... then i am really struggling to cope with the whole thing tht surrounds me. i hate driving,...bcos' sometimes i got leg cramps and numbs and it worries me though..:-( well, i guess i just need to hang on there for the time being until i get myself adjust to the 'scenario' around me.....huhuhu..

here are the latest orders pics ... (for any query to place order - kindly contact me @ 012-5745187 via sms will be fine too or email me at - and i shall follow up thereafter, tq)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

...Selamat Harijadi Pu3 Shafiqah & Lil' Sweet Qamarina

..tempahan dari teman setia Puan Hashimah Abu Kassim - orang kuat (mem boss :-)) AMBANK Ipoh untuk anakanda sulung tersayanag Puteri Shafiqah Bt. Megat Ahmad Shariman. Blueberry Cheese Cake dibawa ke Taiping Perak - MRSM Taiping. Comment Shima di Facebook - "Welcome....puas hati aza ooii...cantik sgt n sedapppp....kami mkn sikit dan yg lbh nya bgi kaklong utk kwn2 nya...TQ aza.

Hepi Birthday Kak Long - Sweet 17

...cute lil' yellow teddy bear...
My friend, Yuslina (yang kami bertemu kembali setelah sekian lama di Majlis Informal Reunion) baru-baru ni telah mempromosi Cheese Cake saya kepada rakan-rakan office nya di Labour Office, Ipoh. Hasilnya rakan beliau Puan Maya telah menempah sebiji OREO CHEESE CAKE - Chilled (9" pan) untuk kek harijadi puterinya - QAMARINA pada 12.02.2011

Hepi Birthday Qamarina - 3 years

'lil teddy bear sat on Oreo Cheesecake
~~ feedback dari Yus (from her friend - Pn. Maya) : "sure. maya kata sdp tp bila ptg x de bentuk. mgkn perlu sdkt improvemt. overal dia satisfied. just to infm komen custmr. " Thanks Yus - the cheesecake was Oreo Cheese Cake - Chilled or No-Bake ...
**these type of cheese cake needs to refrigarate when not finish or when want to keep..**:-)

... for de 1st time - buat pertama kali

tempahan kek pertama kali daripada teman baru... terima kasih Atie atas promosi kek saya pada teman-teman office di SPA ipoh...:-) harap2 memenuhi citarasa... terima kasih diucapkan pada Puan Asma dan Puan Maizura.
Blueberry Cheese Cake - Bake mengambil tempat menjadi pujaan ramai buat masa ini...
Tempahan ini untuk 11.02.2011.

Hepi Birthday Arissa - 3 years old

Hepi Birthday M. Luqman Hakim - 16

~~ note : feedback dari yatie pabila di tanya via sms - "Kekawan yg oder tu kata sedap, nanti kalo anak yg lain smbut b/day deme nak oder lagi" - Terima kasih Yatie & Kawan2

Sunday, February 6, 2011

...Cheezy Blueberry N Red Velvet

Red Velvet with full cream cheese
frosting for Ana

..after the reunion with old schoolmates, i received cake orders from my dear friends - ANA and AJIE :-) Ana and Ajie have been my repeat customers ever since they had a first bite on my cakes...ting..!! Thank you so much dearests....

Blueberry Cheese with fresh bberries
for Ajie (Fadhzilah)

Chocolate Moist Cuppies for de' LADIES too

Chocolate Moist Cupcakes

....topping with choc ganache &

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Red Velvet Cuppies for the 'Ladies'

...the lovely Red Velvet cupcakes for the Ladies ... SomethingSweet for rememberance ...

Fondant Flowers

Red Velvet Cuppies for de' Ladies
Ingredients :
1 1/2 vegetable oil
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups castor sugar
2 large eggs
6 tsps red food colouring
2 tsps cocoa powder
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
Frosting :
1/2 cup butter
8 oz cream cheese
4 cups confectioners' sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
** semua bahan2 frosting diputar bersama sehingga sebati dan kembang.
Methods :
- panaskan ketuhar ke 350 F / 175 C
- sapu mentega dgn rata dan tabur sedikit tepung dalam 2 tin kek bulat ukuran 9 inci
- pukul mentega, gula dan telur hingga kembang.
- campurkan serbuk koko bersama pewarna merah hingga menjadi pes. campurkan ke dalam adunan mentega tadi.
- masukkan buttermilk, garam, baking soda dan cuka/vinegar ke dalam adunan di atas
- masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan gaul hingga sebati.
- tuang adunan ke dalam 2 tin kek tadi dan bakar selama 25-30 minit atau sehingga cake tester keluar bersih bila dicucuk ke dalam kek.
- biarkan kek sejuk pada suhu bilik. sapu icing krim keju / cream cheese ke atas kek dan cantumkan. Selebihnya sapukan keseluruhan kek dan hidang.

" Hepi Reunion Ladies "

on 03.02.2011 - after almost 24 years, we all - bunch of Mamas - reunited back at our home town IPOH. we all meet up at Jusco Kinta City ... 18 of us. it was class of de '80's. well...ada di antara kami berkawan sejak sekolah rendah lagi iaitu di sekolah Sek Ren Keb Raja Perempuan, Ipoh - famously known as RPS. Lepas sekolah rendah kami sambung pelajaran ke sekolah menengah iaitu Sek Men Raja Perempuan, Ipoh..also famously known as RPS so we all were the RPSian...:-)
..dah ramai-ramai ni berkumpul - kena pulak kebanyakan kepala gila-gila sama masa sekolah dulu - HAVOC - HAPPENING - FENING pun ada jadinya....!! but it was FUN...!! so so so glad we had this reunion - ini kira baru kumpulan kecil kalau dah 4-5 kelas berkumpul sesama ............ haru biru boleh jadi Kinta City tu dgn gelagat mak-mak budak..! hehehhehe

...we started our day with bowling game ... lagi la happening bila kebanyakannya juara - juara ... JUARA LONGKANG...!! hahahha
...then we had break for exchange gifts - makan kek yang i bawak - BLUEBERRY CHEESE CAKE ... within second, licin...! it was delicious - no doubt - bukan nak puji diri - but who doesn't like cheese cake - right?
...after that we had our lunch then proceed to KARAOKE Room showtime...ting!! i have to be frank here - i had never been to any karaoke session before in my life ... so, that day was my first time ever - gossshhhhhh... we had a blast moment!! gila-gila sungguh teman2 aku nih!!!  Most of them - menyanyi sakan especially si Shima de' Pengerusi Majlis...3 jam dia boleh tarik suara lagi... me..? well...nyanyi gak tapi miming - hahahahahaha... my voice suitable in the toilet je or in the car (alone) ;-)
Nevertheless... we really enjoyed ourself - lupa seketika kepenatan di pejabat - kepenatan di rumah dgn anak-anak ... we had our time of our life.. Just US the mak-mak budak or 'LADIES'....
the photos below - tribute to you LADIEs .. SHIMA, AJIE, MANJA, AZA(myself), LULU, ELIA, NORLI, DATIN YONG RUBY, YUS, TENGKU AISYAH, IJAN, ANIDA, MAZILA, JALENA, CIKGU FAEZAH, IJA, SALMA, NINI N IJA...:-) thank you ladies...

to be continued uploading... banyak sangat gambarnya..:-)