
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cakes Feast on NEW YEAR EVE 2011

de' cake
my dad's 70th birthday is on 03.01.2011 and he is all excited about it and he wanted to celebrate 'grandly' ...besar-besaran le in his vocab.. Since the day falls on Monday and it is 1st day of school re-open for year 2011, we decided to celebrate few days earlier and it was on 31.12.2011 ... so, i was in-charge of the cake and it is not 1 cake but 3 cakes... 1. for my dad's 70th birthday 2. for my 17th wedding annivessary 3. for my cousin bro (zarif) birthday tht falls on 17.01.2011 for the first time, i baked 4 kilos of butterchoc cake for my father and this cake was the heaviest i ever made and the size is (roughly) 11.5"x11.5"
ATUK and His CUCUs
3 layers ButterChoc Cake - my own creation

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