
Monday, April 18, 2011

.... PART III of her birthday cake - the cupcakes

..... the cupcakes for 'makan-makan' especially for the kiddos... CHOCOLATE MOIST CUPPIES

....her birthday - PART II

...and this birthday cake was from me to her ....
BUTTERVANILLA with light buttercream frosting and fondant deco

Sunday, April 17, 2011 was her birthday wish cake... PART I

.... for her birthday wish cake - Blueberry Cheese Cake with lots of fruits topping + manggo layer... well, not quite to her birthday wish cake as i minus the manggo layer... where got nice to go with this cheese cake recipe....:0

anyway, instead of one cake - i made 3 types of cakes for her that day...

Blueberry Cheese cake with
fruits topping

Mom, Birthday Girl, Son &
Uncle 8

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cupcake Hantara Tema Pink dan Hijau

...Selamat Bertunang buat Saiful & Elly - semoga selamat ke jinjang pelamin...amin :-) terima kasih diucapkan kepada temanku yang mesra dipanggil Ajie (Nur Fadzilah) atas tempahan yang dibuat melalui beliau. Terima kasih banyak2 juga diucapkan kepada keluarga (Ibu) Saiful di atas kepercayaan tempahan ini...

Ulasan : tiada warna tema yang diberi begitu juga tiada specific jenis cupcake yang diberi - oleh itu, ini lah yang terhasil gubahan hantaran cupcake dari SomethingSweet@Rin'sKitchen... diharap anda semua menyukainya...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

...bagai bergemerlapan di cakerawala...

...ntahlah, bila lepas tengok gambar kek ni, bagai bergemerlapan warna warni di cakerawala sahaja rupanya.... 

"Selamat Harijadi Abg Chik" - anak lelaki Shima ( my dearest friend aka loyal customer...:-) ) and selamat harijadi to you too, Shima ...